Open RF Prototyping

An AD9913 DDS Signal Source.


Typical Performance Characteristics

A number of different board variants are referred to in this section. See Table 2 for a list of board variants currently recognized by the ad9913 class. (The ad9913.board_models class method returns a list of board variant models.)

Phase noise


Figure 4a: DDS board absolute phase noise. The blue plots show the phase noise using the AD9552 clock generator as the DDS reference clock. The red plots show the phase noise using the HMC833 frequency synthesizer as the DDS reference clock.

Phase noise is measured using the 'phase detector' method as described here: Phase Noise Measurement with the HP11729C. The measurements were taken using an AD9913 module with a single anti-aliased output. The output level was maintained at approximately -14 dBm for all measurements.


Figure 4b: DDS board absolute phase noise at low frequency. The blue plots show the phase noise using the AD9552 clock generator as the DDS reference clock. The red plots show the phase noise using the HMC833 frequency synthesizer as the DDS reference clock.

Output response

The frequency response of the board output is determined primarily by a combination of the DAC output response and the anti-alias filter. The amplitude of DAC output follows the usual sinc response above about 60 MHz with the anti-alias filter adding some rolloff above about 70 MHz and then dropping off sharply at 100 MHz. The 27dB amplifer board variant also shows increased rolloff above about 50 MHz due to the limited response of the OPA847 at that gain.

Note that the response shown in Figure 3 is to 100 MHz (rather than 110 MHz as with the other response curves) in order to eliminate the effect of aliases.

20 dB resp

Figure 1: Board variant '20dB': 20 dB output amplifier configuration

0dB resp

Figure 2: Board variant '0dB': output amplifier not populated. Signal output taken from anti-alias filter ('Filtered' MMCX board connector)

27dB-RF unfiltered resp

Figure 3: Board variant '27dB-RF': split DAC output unfiltered signal

Board Connector Configuration

Table 1. Board pin configuration and function descriptions

Board Pin





Serial control data



Serial control data clock



Chip select signal. Active low



I/O Update. Transfer serial data to

internal registers.



Profile select pin 0



Profile select pin 1



Profile select pin 2



Active high. This should be pulled high

for normal operation.



Active high. Note that this pin is pulled

low on the board. Set this pin to high

for normal operation.


Power Input

Main 3.3V DC power input


Power Input

Output amplifier 6-12V DC power input


Power Input

Module ground

Ref. Input

Signal Input

Female MMCX (or optionally, SMA connector)

for external clock generator reference

signal input.


Signal Output

Female MMCX (or optionally, SMA connector)

for direct DDS signal output.


Signal Output

Female MMCX for unamplified but anti-alias filtered

DDS signal output.

Sig. Out

Signal Output

Female MMCX (or optionally, SMA connector) for

anti-alias filtered and amplifier DDS signal output.

Conn. layout

Figure 7: DDS module connector layout.

Hardware Configurations

A number of board modifications are possible in order to change the hardware configuration. These are:

Variant designs

Figure 4: Module variant designs.

DDS_2 output layout

Figure 5a: Resistive splitter, unfiltered and filtered outputs.

DDS_2 amp output

Figure 5b: Output amplifier and amplified signal output.

Table 2 lists some of the possible board variants. The board variants described here have calibration data included in the rfblocks Python ad9913 class.

Table 2. Board variants

Board Variant



Single output on the Filtered MMCX connector.

Anti-alias filtered but output amplifer not populated.


Single output on the Sig. Out MMCX connector.

Anti-alias filtered and output amplifer configured

for 14 dB overall gain. Note that this configuration

is not recommended since gains less than about 15 dB may

cause excessive peaking in the amplifier frequency

response and increases the possibility of sustained



Single output on the Sig. Out MMCX connector.

Anti-alias filtered and output amplifier configured

for 20 dB overall gain.


Split output with the unfiltered and unamplified DDS DAC

output signal available on the Unfiltered MMCX

connector. An amplified and anti-aliased signal is

available on the Sig. Out MMCX connector. The output

amplifier is configured for 20 dB overall gain.


DAC output is DC coupled. Single output on the Sig. Out

MMCX connector. Anti-alias filtered and output amplifier

configured for 20 dB overall gain.


Split output with the unfiltered and unamplified DDS DAC

output signal available on the Unfiltered MMCX

connector. An amplified and anti-aliased signal is

available on the Sig. Out MMCX connector. The output

amplifier is configured for 20 dB overall gain.

Space requirements within the standard prototyping enclosures make it more convenient for the coaxial connection configuration to be MMCX connectors on all RF inputs and outputs (Refclk, Unfiltered, Filtered, and Sig Out). These are all low frequency connections and hence there are no performance penalties implied by doing this.

Applications Information

Figure 6 illustrates a minimal setup for controlling the DDS board. The board is connected to the atmega USB controller which is running the ECApp embedded control firmware. (The Pi Pico controller can also be used.) DDS board pins are described in Table 1.

Minimal DDS

Figure 6: Minimal DDS board control. Dashed lines show the control connections if the DDS sweeping or profile selection features are to be used.

The configuration in Figure 6 makes use of the Clock Generator to provide the DDS reference signal. This could be replaced either with an HMC833 synthesizer module or with a general purpose signal generator.

The rfblocks Python package provides the AD9913Controller class which is used to control the DDS board via the ad9913 device class. If the Clock Generator board is used as the DDS reference source then the AD9552Controller class is used to control that. The following code snippet shows an example. The board variant used in this example has the output amplifier configured with 20dB of overall gain. See Table 2 for a list of board variants currently recognized by the ad9913 class. (The ad9913.board_models class method returns a list of board variant models.)

> python
Python 3.8.5 (default, Sep  9 2020, 11:44:13)
[Clang 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from rfblocks import (
...     ad9913, AD9913Controller, ad9552, AD9552Controller,
...     create_serial
... )

>>> ser_device = '/dev/tty.usbmodem14101'
>>> ser = create_serial(ser_device)

>>> clk = ad9552('C7', 'B4', None, 10.0, refselect='B5')
>>> clk_ctl = AD9552Controller('ClkControl', clk)
>>> clk_ctl.initialize(ser)
>>> clk_ctl.channels['1'].state = ad9552.OutputState.ACTIVE
>>> clk_ctl.configure(ser)
>>> dds = ad9913('C5', 'B7', 'C4', board_model='20dB')
>>> dds_ctl = AD9913Controller('DDS_1', dds)
>>> dds_ctl.initialize(ser)
>>> dds_ctl.freq = 25.0
>>> dds_ctl.level = 256
>>> dds_ctl.state = ad9913.POWER_UP
>>> dds_ctl.configure(ser)

The code does the following:

  1. Import the rfblocks AD9913Controller and ad9913 classes. In this example the AD9552Controller and ad9552 classes are also required for the control of the DDS clock reference.

  2. Open the USB/RS-232 serial device which connects the host computer to the ECApp control firmware running on the microcontroller board.

  3. Setup and initialize the DDS clock reference. The default output frequency of 250 MHz and output mode of LVPECL are correct for this application so we only need to ensure that clock channel 1 is active. The boolean value returned by both clk_ctl.initialize and clk_ctl.configure report the clock generator PLL lock status.

  4. Create an instance of AD9913Controller and initialize the DDS board hardware. The default state after initialization will be an output frequency of 10 MHz and level of 512 (DAC code).

    Note that the AD9913 uses a 10-bit output DAC so the DAC code can range from 0 to 1023.

  5. Set the controller output frequency to 25 MHz and the output level to 256 (DAC code). The call to the controller configure method pushes the new state to the board hardware and updates the DDS registers and output.

Calibrated output levels

Calibration measurements for the DDS board variants listed in Table 2 are included in the rfblocks ad9913 class. This calibration data is used in the associated AD9913Controller class and will allow the specification of output levels in mV or dBm (as well as DAC codes). Continuing the code example from above:

>>> dds_ctl.dbm = 0.0
>>> dds_ctl.configure(ser)
>>> dds_ctl.millivolts = 71
>>> dds_ctl.configure(ser)

Here the board signal output level is first set to 0.0 dBm. The level is then set to 71 mV RMS (-10 dBm). Internally, the AD9913Controller class converts dBm and mV level specifications to a corresponding DAC code using the calibration data associated with the board variant and makes use of the fact that the DDS DAC output current is a linear function of the DAC code for a given frequency.

The calibration data is a set of slopes and intercepts for these linear functions across a range of signal frequencies from 0 to 100 MHz. The linear function for a specific output signal frequency is then calculated by interpolation between the known calibrated slopes and intercepts.

Calibration of the output levels is carried through using the Calibration Procedure documented below. The resulting calibration data can be loaded using AD9913Controller.set_cal_data. Note that this will override any default calibration data that was loaded when the controller instance was initially created.

>>> import json
>>> with open('measuredData/ad9913/ad9913-20dB-cal-data.json') as fd:
...     d = json.load(fd)
>>> lf = d['linear_fits']['5.0']
>>> lf_dict = { 0.0: [lf[0], lf[1]]}
>>> for fs in d['linear_fits']:
...     lf = d['linear_fits'][fs]
...     lf_dict[float(fs)] = [lf[0], lf[1]]
>>> dds_ctl.set_cal_data(lf_dict)

Sweeping and profiles

If the DDS sweeping facility or the frequency and phase profiles are to be used then it's recommended that the three profile pins, PS0, PS1, and PS2 be connected to the same port on the controller. This allows for the possibility of rapid, concurrent updates of the profile pin signals. The dashed lines in Figure 6 show the connections used for this example setup.

Continuing the code example from the last section:

>>> dds = ad9913('C5', 'B7', 'C4', ps0='D0', ps1='D1', ps2='D2',
...              board_model='20dB')
>>> dds_ctl = AD9913Controller('DDS_1', dds)
>>> dds_ctl.initialize(ser)
>>> dds_ctl.freq = 20.0
>>> dds_ctl.level = 512
>>> dds_ctl.state = ad9913.POWER_UP
>>> dds_ctl.configure(ser)
>>> dds_ctl.sweep_start = 20.0
>>> dds_ctl.sweep_end = 30.0
>>> dds_ctl.sweep_type = ad9913.SweepType.FREQUENCY
>>> dds_ctl.sweep_ramp_type = ad9913.SweepRampType.RAMP_BIDIR
>>> dds_ctl.sweep_rising_step = 0.001
>>> dds_ctl.sweep_falling_step = 0.001
>>> dds_ctl.sweep_rising_rate = 256
>>> dds_ctl.sweep_falling_rate = 256
>>> dds_ctl.configure_sweep(ser)
>>> dds_ctl.start_sweep(ser)
>>> dds_ctl.stop_sweep(ser)
>>> dds_ctl.sweep_end = 40.0
>>> dds_ctl.configure_sweep(ser)
>>> dds_ctl.start_sweep(ser)
>>> dds_ctl.stop_sweep(ser)

The code does the following:

  1. Rebuild the AD9913Controller instance using an ad9913 device instance with the required profile select pin connections.

  2. Initialize the controller and set the DDS state such that the output signal has a frequency of 20 MHz and level of 512 (DAC code) which corresponds to a power level of a little more than 2 dBm (given the board variant model of 20dB).

  3. Set frequency sweep parameters. The sweep start and stop frequencies are 20 and 30 MHz respectively. The sweep ramp type is set to bidirectional which means the signal will traverse up and down the specified frequecy range. The sweep step and rate are set so that the progress of the output signal as it traverses the sweep frequency range is easily observable on a spectrum analyzer or oscilloscope.

  4. The configure_sweep method pushes the sweep state to the DDS registers.

  5. The actual sweep process is started by calling the start_sweep method with the sweep continuing until the stop_sweep method is called.

  6. After stopping the sweep any of the sweep parameters may be updated and the resulting sweep state pushed to the DDS registers before again starting the sweep.

The AD9913 allows the rapid switching between up to eight frequency/phase profiles. This capability is illustrated by the following code examples which follow on from the code snippet above. In the first snippet, the profile switching is achieved using internal profile control bits in the AD9913 control function register.

>>> dds_ctl.direct_switch_enabled = True
>>> dds_ctl.profile_type = ad9913.SweepType.FREQUENCY
>>> dds_ctl.set_profile_freq(0, 25.0)
>>> dds_ctl.set_profile_freq(1, 35.0)
>>> dds_ctl.update_profile(ser, 0)
>>> dds_ctl.update_profile(ser, 1)
>>> dds_ctl.selected_profile = 0
>>> dds_ctl.configure_profile(ser)
>>> dds_ctl.selected_profile = 1
>>> dds_ctl.configure_profile(ser)
>>> dds_ctl.selected_profile = 0
>>> dds_ctl.configure_profile(ser)

The code does the following:

  1. Enables direct switch mode. This mode allows the direct update of either frequency or phase from the AD9913 profiles registers.

  2. Set the profile type to be FREQUENCY. When a direct update is made the DDS frequency will be configured from the selected profile frequency register.

  3. Set the profile frequency registers for profiles 0 and 1. Push the profile values to the DDS profile registers using the AD9913Controller update_profile method.

  4. Set a selected profile and update the DDS frequency from the associated profile register using the configure_profile register.

In the code example below the profile switching is carried out by changing the profile select pins. This technique allows for higher data throughput.

>>> from rfblocks import write_cmd
>>> dds_ctl._ad9913.set_profile_control(
...     ad9913.ProfileControl.PINS)
>>> write_cmd(dds_ctl._ad9913.config_cfr1())
>>> cmd0 = 'M{},{:02X},{:02X}:'.format(dds.ps_port, dds.ps_mask, 0)
>>> cmd0
>>> cmd1 = 'M{},{:02X},{:02X}:'.format(dds.ps_port, dds.ps_mask, 1)
>>> cmd1
>>> write_cmd(ser, cmd1)

>>> write_cmd(ser, cmd0)

The code does the following:

  1. Sets the profile control to be via the profile selection pins (PS0, PS1, PS2).

  2. Formats ECApp 'set port pins' commands which will set the profile selection pins to either 0x00 or 0x01 therefore switching to either profile 0 or profile 1.

  3. Writing the previously formatted command strings to the controller will effect the profile changes. It's possible to rapidly switch profiles by sending many contiguous symbols encoded in the command strings. The next code example gives a demonstration of this.

As a more extensive example of profile switching the following code is taken from the DDSGen reference design app. The code executes either FSK or PSK modulation of a random stream of symbols. From 2 to 8 tones or phases may be specified.

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
mask_str = '{:02X}'.format(self.ctl._ad9913.ps_mask)
tones = self.modulation_tones
rgen = random.Random()
if self.modulation_type == ModulationType.FREQUENCY:
cmd = self.ctl._ad9913.config_cfr1()
await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.write_chan_cmd, cmd)
while self.modulating:
    symbols = [round(rgen.random() * (tones-1)) for i in range(100)]
    signal_str = ','.join(['{:02X}'.format(b) for b in
        [self.ctl._ad9913.ps_bits(s) for s in symbols]])
    cmd = 'M{},{},{}:'.format(port, mask_str, signal_str)
    await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.write_chan_cmd, cmd)

Programmable modulus

The programmable modulus mode of the AD9913 is used to provide an exact frequency output. For further details see the Programmable Modulus Mode section on p 14 of the Rev. D AD9913 datasheet and Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) with a Programmable Modulus.

Reference Designs

Calibration Procedure

The steps taken to calibrate DDS board output signals are as follows:

  1. Calibration measurements are taken using the script. The DDS under test should be connected as shown in Figure 8. Two assumptions are made here:

    1. The DDS board is supplied with a reference clock. See, for example, Figure 6 in which a clock generator module is used to supply the required 250 MHz clock.

    2. The DDS board is connected to a microcontroller board which is in turn connected to a host computer via a USB connection.

    The spectrum analyzer is controlled remotely using GPIB or Visa/LXI. The script source code can be viewed here: Measure calibration data.


    Figure 8 DDS board calibration setup

  2. The is now run to capture the DDS signal output voltages across a range of DDS DAC codes and frequencies. Here's an example command line:

    python scripts/ -d /dev/cu.usbmodem14101 -U B7 -C C5

    The measurements are saved to a file as well as being echoed to stdout. An example of this output is shown below.

    5.0:  40.18 79.52 119.10 158.71 197.42 236.93 276.33 315.66 353.79 393.45 431.75 470.84 510.35 547.87 587.43 625.73
    10.0:  39.36 77.86 116.70 155.29 193.63 231.67 270.35 308.65 346.38 384.60 423.66 460.60 498.85 537.62 575.40 611.94
    15.0:  38.15 75.66 113.26 150.66 188.24 225.28 262.37 300.00 336.47 373.08 410.90 447.96 483.29 521.73 558.24 593.99
    20.0:  39.34 78.10 116.83 155.75 194.22 232.35 270.82 308.76 347.37 385.66 423.61 461.89 499.49 537.27 575.69 613.16
    95.0:  18.53 35.25 52.16 69.11 85.99 102.92 119.38 136.23 152.35 168.99 185.53 202.38 217.87 233.61 250.17 265.19
    100.0:  16.29 30.84 45.68 60.48 75.34 89.95 104.66 119.28 133.69 148.27 162.70 176.67 191.35 205.11 219.01 232.86

    Each line begins with the output signal frequency and is then followed by a list of the measured peak signal output voltages (in mV) for each of the DDS DAC codes configured.

  3. The script now makes linear fits to the measured voltages for each of the test frequencies. This produces a slope and intercept for the linear fits at each of the test frequencies. Figure 9 shows example plots of the linear fits.


    Figure 9 Linear fits to measured DDS output signal

  4. Plots of the calculated linear fit slopes and intercepts as a function of output signal frequency are made. Figure 10 shows an example of these plots.


    Figure 10 DDS output response slope and intercept as a function of output signal frequency

    It's the functions plotted here that form the core of the calculation used to generate calibrated output levels in the AD9913Controller class. For more information see Calibrated output levels

  5. The calibration slope and intercept data can now be included as an item in the ad9913 CAL_DATA dict. The format of the dict item is described in ad9913.cal_data. The following code shows an example of how the data can be extracted from the calibration data file:

    >>> import json
    >>> from pprint import pprint as pp
    >>> with open('measuredData/ad9913/ad9913-20dB-cal-data.json') as fd:
    ...     d = json.load(fd)
    >>> lfs = []
    >>> cal_data_name = '20dB-2'
    >>> lf = d['linear_fits']['5.0']
    >>> lf_dict = { 0.0: [lf[0], lf[1]]}
    >>> for fs in d['linear_fits']:
    ...     lf = d['linear_fits'][fs]
    ...     lf_dict[float(fs)] = [lf[0], lf[1]]
    >>> pp(lf_dict)
    {0.0: [0.6013739809274393, 1.522515000001093],
     5.0: [0.6013739809274393, 1.522515000001093],
     10.0: [0.5898015666351346, 1.5392552500011525],
     15.0: [0.5728032952737382, 1.507987996086448],
     20.0: [0.5616700735284558, 1.8379037500017927],
     25.0: [0.5416191187949562, 1.576826250001273],
     30.0: [0.5340883423703072, 1.8014730000017325],
     35.0: [0.5301647238041223, 1.919015250001992],
     40.0: [0.5297908778832199, 1.9003730731542878],
     45.0: [0.5307727290072409, 2.1737304696323974],
     50.0: [0.532739564796775, 2.466679250003161],
     55.0: [0.5294871201736061, 2.655759750003534],
     60.0: [0.5143739634640143, 3.1962870000047605],
     65.0: [0.48885358570660564, 3.146362500004677],
     70.0: [0.4563410818010057, 3.2514990002529007],
     75.0: [0.42409794898771436, 3.4119032500052104],
     80.0: [0.3972877128054187, 3.5073298906843],
     85.0: [0.37823979549496733, 3.3779000000051207],
     90.0: [0.36362696530192085, 3.6423777500056844],
     95.0: [0.3516909167299737, 3.8765600635610893],
     100.0: [0.34216751368844056, 4.082412568570491]}
    >>> if cal_data_name not in ad9913.CAL_DATA:
    ...      ad9913.CAL_DATA[cal_data_name] = lf_dict

Design Notes

Schematic design

Figure 11: DDS schematic design.

The core of the design is the AD9913 10-bit DDS. This is powered by separate regulators for the digital and analog supplies (U2, U3). To obtain the best performance from the AD9913 the internal PLL should be bypassed and the DDS clock taken directly from the reference input. The single ended reference input is converted to a differential signal using T1. Although the design has made provision for an onboard crystal this facility has not been tested.

The AD9913 makes use of a current output DAC. The output current is delivered as a balanced output via the two IOUT pins. This is converted to a single ended output using R10, R11, R12 and T2. The transformer T2 can be replaced by a 0 \(\Omega\) jumper for low frequency (down to DC) use. The DAC output is described in more detail below.

DDS output can be routed to either the unfiltered output or the 100 MHz elliptic filter by populating R13, R14, and R16 approriately with 0 \(\Omega\) jumpers. This is the unsplit configuration. Alternatively, the DDS signal can be split using a 6 dB resistive splitter by populating R13, R14, and R16 with 16.7 \(\Omega\) resistors. This is referred to as the split configuration.

The output of the 100 MHz elliptic filter may either be used directly by populating R27 or used as input to the output amplifier by populating R29. The output amplifer is an 'embedded' version of the opamp based IF amplifer which is described in more detail here: A Wideband, High Linearity IF Amplifier. A schematic of the amplifier as implemented on the DDS board is shown in Figure 12. In normal operation, an external 10V supply is connected to J7 (note that this supply should not exceed 12V).

Together with the filter, the gain of the output amplifier will determine the high frequency response of the DDS and is set using R19 and R23. Two possible gain settings are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3: Output amplifier gain settings.

Gain (dB)



3 dB Frequency (MHz)









For other values of R23 and R19 the gain, G, can be calculated using:

\begin{equation*} G = 20 \log (1 + R19/R23) - 6 dB \end{equation*}

The factor of 6dB appears in the gain calculation because the output of the OPA847 is split between the amplifier load (assumed to be 50 \(\Omega\)) and R21. Decreasing the amplifier gain below 20 dB decreases the phase margin. Gains less than about 15 dB may cause excessive peaking in the amplifier frequency response and increases the possibility of sustained oscillation.

When using the unsplit configuration an output amplifier gain of 20 dB is optimal. If the split configuration is used an output amplifier gain of 27 dB should be used. Increasing gains above these levels will result in appreciable signal compression at the higher limit of the DDS output amplitude. Also note that the higher output amplifier gains will limit the high frequency response.

The AD9913 uses 1.8V supplies and control signals must use voltage levels compatible with this. U4 is the level converter for control signals between the 3.3V input control lines and the 1.8V control lines required by the AD9913. The output enable for the level converter is made available as one of the external control lines. In general this can be tied to 3.3V.

Output amp

Figure 12: Output amplifier schematic design.

DAC output

The AD9913 uses a current output DAC. The reference current for the DAC is set by R9 and the full scale DAC output current will scale as follows:

\begin{equation*} I_{out}(x, R_9) = {0.0206 \above 1pt R_9} \times(1+x) \end{equation*}

with \(x\) being the value of the DAC gain control (bits 9:0 in register 2). Using a value of R9 = 4.64K and \(x =\) 0x3FF, the maximum full scale DAC output current will be 4.55 mA

The primary winding of T2 will usually see a 50 \(\Omega\) load either connected to the output J3/J4 (if that is used) or as the input impedance of a resistive splitter made up of R13, R14, R16 (see Figure 3). Since T2 is 1:1 the load seen by the secondary is also 50 \(\Omega\). With the ground point midway on the secondary, the IOUT side of the DAC output will see a parallel combination of the 25 \(\Omega\) from the T2 secondary, R10, and one half of R11 (since it will have a virtual ground in the middle). A similar calculation can be done for the other leg of the DAC output. R11 is optional and for the prototype builds is not populated. With R10 and R12 set at 100 \(\Omega\), this results in approximately 150 mV peak to peak or about 50 mV (-13 dBm). This is well within the 400 mV compliance range of the AD9913 DAC.

DDS_2 DAC output

Figure 13: AD9913 DAC output configuration

Given that the DAC output splitter (R13, R14, R16) is populated, the available power on J3/J4 will be approximately -19 dBm. Likewise the available power at the input of the DAC output amplifier (after the low pass filter) will be approximately -19 dBm. With the optional output amplifier in use, the output level at J5/J6 will be 6 dBm (assuming an amplifer gain of 25).

The low frequency response will be determined by T2. The MABAES0060 data sheet specifies the insertion loss down to 300 kHz. However, direct measurement indicates that the low frequency response drops off by 3 dB at about 50 kHz.

The output response can be extended down to DC by removing T2 and inserting a 0 \(\Omega\) link between R10 and R16. However, using the single-ended output of the DAC in this manner will cause degradation in the common-mode rejection and increase second-order distortion products, compared to a differential operating mode.